Welcome to CLEAT

You have reached the member portal and you must sign in to use your member benefits.
CLEAT — Protecting the officers who protect Texas

With more than 26,000+ members across the state, CLEAT is the largest police officers union in Texas and the largest provider of legal services for Texas law enforcement officers, and the state's largest alliance of local police officers’ associations. More importantly, we possess the world-class experience, resources and the will to bring STRENGTH, JUSTICE and UNITY to everything from local contract negotiations to critical incidents.

CLEAT provides legal representation, lobbying and legislative representation, local political action, collective-bargaining and negotiations support and a range of related services to officers in the field. Our mission is to ensure that you, as a CLEAT member, receive the professional respect, employment rights, and legal protections you deserve. After all, your role in enforcing the laws and protecting the lives and property of citizens is the most important, fundamental job in Texas.

To keep up with CLEAT's day-to-day activities, click here.

Sign in Information

Welcome to the CLEAT portal.  

Forgot Username? Please select the forgot username button below, enter your email address and your username will be emailed to you. 

Forgot Password? Please select the forgot password button below and a password reset email and instructions will be sent to you.

***Existing members already have an account. If you can’t log in, do not create a new account.  Use the Contact Us form to request that your account be reset.

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